Saturday, 10 May 2003

Foomatic-GUI 0.5.1

It’s here. Since the last post here about it, the package has also been accepted into Debian unstable.

I’ve also talked with Tomas Guemes about integrating Foomatic-GUI and his adaptation of Red Hat’s latest printtool to Debian and CUPS. I’m registering the foomatic-gui project at Savannah so we can work on further development together.

I did about three hours of hacking tonight to produce 0.5.1; the newest feature is the ability to set printer options, illustrated below:

Printer options dialog in Foomatic-GUI 0.5.1

Now on to subsume the rest of the functionality of CUPS' web interface and the OS X print manager app.

New stylesheet

In honor of today’s graduates, you can now choose a special red-and-blue themed stylesheet. It looks positively icky in IE6, and (for odd some reason) the background graphic doesn’t render in Opera 7. But it’s a fun little diversion for all six of you running decent browsers. :-)

Immigants catch an epidemic of false consciousness

D.C. Thornton passes on a link to a Washington Times article that suggests black leaders are lamenting their inability to recruit African immigrants. Money quote:

Many immigrants are not even aware of the “color line” that prevents minorities here from excelling, other panelists said in amazement.

May I humbly suggest that the “color line” hasn’t stopped these immigrants (by definition minorities) from succeeding. D.C.’s take is especially worth reading; just go and RTWT™.