Friday, 22 November 2002

Jumpin' Jim Jeffords

Radley Balko passes on word that Jim Jeffords, who defected to the Democrats (er, became an "Independent") last year, wants back in with the GOP.

It's certainly nice to see principles are alive and well in the Senate.

Xft-enabled Phoenix for Linux

I've hacked together a Xft-enabled Phoenix build from a nightly Mozilla build and a nightly Phoenix build; you can download it here. It seems to run well under Debian unstable; it should also run OK in Red Hat 8.0 and Mandrake 9.

If you want to roll your own, see the unofficial Phoenix FAQ for details. That site also has extensions and themes that work with Phoenix; I'm enjoying the Qute theme, myself.

My laptop's a fraud

Nothing like finding out your 1.1GHz laptop actually is speed-capped at 550 MHz. Apparently Toshiba is giving full refunds, so we'll see how that goes...

CSS and other fixups

I've added a couple of extra default font names to the stylesheet and also provided an alternate stylesheet that uses serif fonts instead; hopefully this will fix the issues some have had with fonts. Also, I've added mod_gzip to this Apache installation to reduce the bandwidth requirement of the page (all the markup makes it clock in pretty big) and added a few tweaks to the generated HTML — the most important is that the last modified time of an entry is a now tooltip for the original posting time (the page is full of tooltips, in case you haven't noticed).

At some point, I should add some media stylesheets to remove the sidebar when printing. Not that you'd actually want to print this crap...

Python 2.3 goodness

A few interesting things in the next stable release, to whet your appetite:

for (i, x) in enumerate(['Zero', 'One', 'Two']):
   print i, x
from sets import Set
set1 = Set([2,4,6,8,10,12])
set2 = Set([3,6,9,12])
print set1 & set2 # S1 intersection S2
print set1 | set2 # S1 union S2
print set1 ^ set2 # Symmetric difference of S1 and S2

Also, some links for those of you interested in nested scopes (added as a 2.1 extension), long integer/integer unification (added in 2.2), and some new 2.3 features: the logging module (basically, a Pythonic syslog) and the integrated advanced option parser (formerly known as Optik).