Tuesday, 17 June 2003

Perestroikans and political science

Dan Drezner links to a University of Chicago Magazine piece that does as good a job as any I’ve seen in trying to explain the fracture in The Discipline™ spearheaded by the Perestroika movement. One thing it points out rather well is that many of them don’t have any clue what the term “rational choice” means, since surely they’d call me at a “rat choicer” yet my entire dissertation is an assault on the idea of rationality under limited information. Not to mention that I enjoy formal models about as much as I like receiving a sharp kick to the groin.

However, I will agree with their point that the APSR was rapidly becoming a wasteland; Lee Sigelman has his work cut out for him to bring its standards back up to where the AJPS and JOP are at today.