Sunday, 10 May 2009

Just what Texas needs: more elected officials

The geniuses up in Austin have diagnosed TxDOT’s problems and decided that the solution is, in part, to have an elected state transportation commission who doubtless will be high-minded representatives of the popular will rather than endless seekers of pork-barrel projects for their geographic districts. Because we all know how helpful having an elected State Board of Education has been in keeping politics out of the public school curriculum.

You can view all the lege’s sausage-making here; it’s a doozy. On the upside, at least they’re banning red-light cameras.

1 comment:

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Bleah. Hurk. Gyurgh.

Why don’t they just give the job to the Texas Railroad Commission??? The Commission already has practice dealing with stuff that has nothing to do with railroads. One more anomalous task won’t hurt.

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