Thursday, 2 April 2009

Ironic Google Reader justaposition of the day

Brendan Nyhan complains about Republicans who are opposed to a “mythical global currency.”

A few posts up, FP Passport explains Special Drawing Rights:

So what on earth is a Special Drawing Right (SDR) anyway?

Basically: it’s a currency.

There’s a long way from the UNero or whatever the Paul crowd thinks a global currency is and SDRs, which have slightly more tangible existence than the Social Security trust fund (which is, literally, a stack of IOUs in a government safe somewhere in Washington). But I suppose I’m easily amused.

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I actually have an Amero. Thanks for helping prepare me to be a political leader in the New World Order™!


PS- It’s a fake amero, but I like to spook the bildeberger conspiracy folks.

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