Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Chris Matthews is an idiot but at least he gives me a lecture topic

I am now officially tired of Chris Matthews continually pointing out that John McCain is winning GOP primaries in states the GOP does not do well in at general elections—he did it with Mel Martinez, and now he’s doing it with Tom Brokaw. Somebody needs to slap him upside the head with a copy of Downs, although it’s not heavy enough to penetrate his skull unfortunately.

Then again, a $60 book would probably be wasted on Matthews.

1 comment:

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Yes, the whole “he’s winning independents!! in Republican primaries!!” business is getting tiresome all the way around.

And what’s with Buchanan and Scarborough talking about how McCain isn’t “sealing the deal”? He has won a number of major states, Romney has yet to win anything significant (aside from Mass, which doesn’t really count), and Huckabee is winning in the South (Amazing!).

Yet, at the end of the day, if McCain is winning the most, Huckabee is winning some, and Romney is winning very little, how can McCain not be seen as ahead? The whole “analysis” makes no sense.

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