Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Off day decision-making calculus

I need to complete the following tasks today (now that I’ve recovered from my early morning Monday):

  1. Apply for four new jobs that just appeared on various and sundry job sites.
  2. Prepare for my Congress class Wednesday morning. (I can prepare for intro before class in the morning and methods between classes, since those are classes I taught last semester and not a lot has changed in either, but I haven’t taught Congress since July 2005, when I was using different books, so it’s essentially a new prep.)
  3. Prepare for a teaching demonstration in a methods course Friday at a university in Texas. (I have something canned for this, so it won’t be too much additional work.)
  4. Finish revisions to the strategic voting paper so I can send it out.

Now, if you had to guess, which one of those do you think won’t get done today?


Any views expressed in these comments are solely those of their authors; they do not reflect the views of the authors of Signifying Nothing, unless attributed to one of us.
[Permalink] 1. Michelle wrote @ Tue, 30 Jan 2007, 4:08 pm CST:



#1 and #3 are done. Now we’ll see how long #2 takes…


Why even bother with number 2? If my multiple years on the job market have taught me anything, it’s that teaching doesn’t matter—even at schools that purport to be teaching schools.

It’s all a sham, so why waste valuable time worrying about students?


Well, the cynical answer would be “I need to have something to do in class tomorrow” and/or “I need good numbers on evals for job applications in the future.”

But you’re right, the incentive structure isn’t always there to encourage good teaching.

[Permalink] 5. Michelle wrote @ Wed, 31 Jan 2007, 12:49 pm CST:

Do I get a lollipop? :)


Sure, I’ll try to remember to get one for you in Charlotte ☺.

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