Monday, 24 July 2006

Pick a journal, any journal

Greg Weeks considers the problem of matching your research up with a journal for publication. Alas, the lawprof approach of shotgunning the paper to 17 journals and taking the best acceptance (if any) is precluded by journal submission rules in most other fields—not that there aren’t a few people who try (and usually fail) to get away with sending stuff to more than one journal at the same time.


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Those who try that are sometimes “outed” by a reviewer who gets the same paper from two journals. I’ve been such a reviewer. Academic specialities are small worlds!

[Permalink] 2. vegreville wrote @ Tue, 25 Jul 2006, 12:35 am CDT:

And resubmitting a rejected manuscript to the same journal when the editor changes. I have heard about that a few times (and even sucessfully).

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