Wednesday, 19 April 2006

Your afternoon roundup

WRAL reports (apply your standard “potential defense attorney spin” detector accordingly) that the identifications made by the accuser were not may not have been of the players’ faces:

An exotic dancer who says three Duke lacrosse players raped her may have identified two of them based on photographs that show scratches on their bodies, a defense attorney for one of the men said Wednesday.

Attorney Bill Cotter said that when 46 members of the lacrosse team submitted court-ordered DNA samples last month, they were also photographed without their shirts. ...

A search of Finnerty’s dorm room Tuesday, however, was a clear sign that the investigation is rapidly continuing. A resident assistant told WRAL that Durham police investigators searched Seligmann’s and Finnerty’s rooms at Edens 2C Residence Hall for two hours Tuesday night.

Sources tell WRAL that the officers were looking for Finnerty’s computer and that they seized several undisclosed items.

The News & Observer adds that “Cotter said Tuesday that police searched Finnerty’s dorm room Tuesday night and said he believed they also served a search warrant in Seligmann’s room in the Edens dormitory. Cotter said it is unusual for authorities to serve a search warrant on someone who has already been indicted.” They also have a handy graphic of the timelines produced by the prosecution and defense attorneys, although it does not include Seligmann’s ATM and munchies trek that is believed to start around 12:15 a.m.

ABC 11 has exclusive results from an opinion poll of Durham County voters, although the most important question—who respondents planned to vote for—seems to have been omitted from the poll. Nifong received a 35% favorable and 30% unfavorable rating from respondents; as this is within the margin of error of the poll, we can’t conclude that Nifong’s favorables outweigh his unfavorables in the underlying population. One of Nifong’s challengers, former assistant DA Freda Black, started taking shots at Nifong Tuesday in a recorded phone message for Durham voters.

Also of interest: photos from Don Ingle, one of WRAL’s news photographers, of the circus around the Durham County Courthouse, and ponderances on the media coverage by WRAL anchor/reporter David Crabtree.


Any views expressed in these comments are solely those of their authors; they do not reflect the views of the authors of Signifying Nothing, unless attributed to one of us.
[Permalink] 1. LaxZebra wrote @ Wed, 19 Apr 2006, 3:23 pm CDT:

Well, if the ID was actually based on scratches on a lacrosse player, then I’ll be amazed if the Defense can’t deflect that one—it might even be easier for the D to say that the victim beat up the lacrosse players, considering all the bruises that likely appear all over their bodies (sorry about the rhetoric, but I couldn’t resist)!

[Permalink] 2. Skeptical-Hog wrote @ Wed, 19 Apr 2006, 3:59 pm CDT:

NBC-17 has some party photos:


S-H: Yep, I posted that around the same time you made the comment (found it while I was surfing; if I’d known about your comment at the time I’d have given you credit).

[Permalink] 4. LaxZebra wrote @ Wed, 19 Apr 2006, 4:38 pm CDT:

I can definitely make out bruises on her arm and her leg in two of the photos both of which have timestamps after the alleged beating and they look pretty ugly.; however, they look old to me. Usually a bruise starts out reddish, then after some time passes (not minutes) they turn purplish, at least, that’s what happens to me. They don’t look like finger impressions either, which you’ll see if someone is grabbed too hard, but more like bruises that one would get from running into or being hit by objects. Does she have a boyfriend or SO that we need to know about?


LZ: There have been indications of a boyfriend who saw her the next day based on an interview with the father that was done last month; it’s clear too that someone (probably not dad) dropped her off at the party house, and that could have been the boyfriend. (Links welcome.)

[Permalink] 6. LaxZebra wrote @ Thu, 20 Apr 2006, 2:04 pm CDT:

I’m still looking, but I found this one along the way. Definitely a chip on his shoulder.


All: I do not have any chips (or french fries either) on my shoulder. I have been inside the system and studied feminism for 18 years. The Duke case has all the classic markers of an exercise in predatory feminism. I rarely step out so early in a case—but this one was clearly a boinger from the start. Read the piece again—it might save you 18 years of study….

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