Monday, 10 April 2006

Everything I need to know I learned on the east-west bus

Here’s your conspiracy theory/rumor/gospel truth of what really went down at the party courtesy of LiveJournal; your mileage may vary:

Going home, I got on the bus to East campus and sat in the back, like I always do so I can be facing forward, and a young lady sat down next to me commenting, “maybe this isn’t the safest place on the bus.” I agreed and then told her about the rumor I’d heard saying the [bus] fire was arson, which was untrue, and then about the letter to the editor I read.

She replied that one of her friend’s boyfriend is on the team and he says only a few lacrosse players were at that party, that it was “mostly frat boys”, and none of the team had anything to do with the rape.

Link via here, which I found out because of an inbound link complaining about one of Igor’s comments. Gotta love Technorati.


Any views expressed in these comments are solely those of their authors; they do not reflect the views of the authors of Signifying Nothing, unless attributed to one of us.
[Permalink] 1. Justin wrote @ Tue, 11 Apr 2006, 2:18 am CDT:

We have to remember the names that the supposed “victim” identified the attackers by. Each of these names accurately corresponded to members of the lacrosse team and their DNA WAS tested. Of course there could be other kids with the name Alex, Brett, Matt, but how likely is it that they were the names of 3 non-lacrosse players? It just seems like this story from a 3rd or 4th party is a moot point. Nearly everyone is still looking for some way to blame these kids, which I believe is mainly because they are athletes that portray a “jock” persona on a highly academic campus .

As a result, their lives have been most likely ruined (as well as the coach losing his job) by what is seemingly a fabricated story. And yeah, 15 of the team members had infractions, but it’s a college! Students drink and party in college all the time and not just athletes either. ALL types of students including both sex distinctions and all racial classifications practice the same or similar behavior on campuses across the globe.

I find it almost repulsive how the media and the DA have handled this situation, blaming these kids (and still looking for more ways to find them to be responsible for a crime that the disclosed evidence shows that they did not commit) from the start. I always thought it was supposed to be “innocent until proven guilty,” but apparently not in Durham (just ask Mike Nifong).

[Permalink] 2. mondaymorningquarterbacks wrote @ Tue, 11 Apr 2006, 1:31 pm CDT:

the Duke Lacrosse team deserves an apology, especially by the media. Oh, I dunno, I would have thought the media would give these guys a chance before burning them on the stake. Anyway, I don’t watch the mainstream media for news, for the same reason I don’t wipe my ass with hot peppers or chew on glass.

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