Tuesday, 28 March 2006

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George Mason’s president has taken it upon himself to excuse those students who decided to blow off class on Monday after GMU’s (and, lest we forget, classical liberalism’s) victory over UConn. If I were a GMU faculty member, I’d likely have invited the president to take over all of my other duties at that point, or perhaps to go fornicate with himself. Under my breath, of course.

þ: Deadspin and PTI.


Any views expressed in these comments are solely those of their authors; they do not reflect the views of the authors of Signifying Nothing, unless attributed to one of us.

If I were a tenured GMU faculty member, I’d likely have invited the president to take over all of my other duties at that point, or perhaps to go fornicate with himself.

…there…fixed that for ya…


Well, that’s why I used that “under my breath” part.

Tenured, I’d put it on the front page of my blog in bold print and email a copy to the campus faculty listserv.


Yup—that kind of thing is most annoying.

[Permalink] 4. Michelle wrote @ Wed, 29 Mar 2006, 10:00 am CST:

Annoying, but not unusual…I seem to recall classes being cancelled following a UNC championship game…granted, it was the championship game but I’m not certain we actually WON.

[Permalink] 5. Stephen wrote @ Wed, 29 Mar 2006, 11:27 am CST:

I’m a Mason alum. Mason has never been here. Never had reason to celebrate what is happening right now in school history. I’m fine with his request. Maybe you just have to be a Mason alum to understand?


I understand fine (I might even have cancelled class myself). I’d just resent the heck out of a university’s leadership telling me to alter the standards of my class for an extracurricular activity that the students in question aren’t directly involved in.

Next thing you know college will be just like high school, and I’ll be asked to shepard my students to the gym for prep rallies and other nonsense.

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