Saturday, 29 October 2005

Franklin does a Zaller impression

Charles Franklin applies Zaller to the public’s reaction to the Miers SCOTUS withdrawal. Meanwhile, the post-Miers speculation centers on Samuel Alito and Michael Luttig, two potential nominees who are, in the words of Steven Taylor, “radically more qualified than Miers.” Then again, pretty much everyone who’s ever cracked the spine of a con law textbook probably falls in that category…

1 comment:

Any views expressed in these comments are solely those of their authors; they do not reflect the views of the authors of Signifying Nothing, unless attributed to one of us.
[Permalink] 1. Scott wrote @ Tue, 1 Nov 2005, 8:31 pm CST:

I think we will see a similar effect at work regarding the Senate’s “closed door” examination of pre-war intel: the elites going apeshit and a confused yawn and ass scratch from the public.

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