Friday, 15 July 2005

Cancelled before their prime

Inspired by Alex Knapp: the top five TV shows that got canned before their time.

  1. NewsRadio
  2. Crusade
  3. Andy Richter Controls The Universe
  4. The Job
  5. Firefly

Honorable mentions: Big Apple, Now And Again, and The Ben Stiller Show.


Any views expressed in these comments are solely those of their authors; they do not reflect the views of the authors of Signifying Nothing, unless attributed to one of us.
[Permalink] 1. Fersboo wrote @ Fri, 15 Jul 2005, 8:03 am CDT:

I am only familiar with NewsRadio and most I haven’t heard of. How about Sports Night? Along the vein of News Radio. I pretty much gave up on network tv when these two shows went away. I did give up on Comedy Central when they picked up Sports Night reruns and added a laugh trak.

[Permalink] 2. michelle wrote @ Fri, 15 Jul 2005, 9:34 am CDT:

I’d add Freaks and Geeks.


Fersboo: I never really watched Sports Night.


I loved Andy Richter Controls the Universe. Still mad that one was cancelled. The episode with Conan O’Brien was the best, IMO.

Newsradio was never as good after Phil Hartman died.

I’d add Wonderfalls to that list, though I think I’m one of five people who saw that show before Fox cancelled it.

[Permalink] 6. flaime wrote @ Mon, 18 Jul 2005, 6:58 pm CDT:

NewsRadio was terrible after Hartman was gone. The only one of your 5 that I watched was Firefly, and then only because it was Josh Whedon…
I’ll second the Wonderfalls mention, though. Best show on television for the 4 episodes they aired.


I sent NBC a letter when they cancelled “The Good Life” which was a great show, made so by a (then) little-known actor named Drew Carey. They cancelled it, Carey went to ABC, and the rest is history.

Should have listened to ME, corporate dumbasses.


I watched every episode of newsradio in syndicated re-runs, and John Lovett was the Shark that Andy Dick jumped to spell the end of that show. That was really a case of cancelling a show “after its time.”

SportsNight was a good show, and cancelled too soon. Of course, if it hadn’t been cancelled, we wouldn’t have half the cast and writers of West Wing.

How’s that workin’ out for ya?

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