Tuesday, 14 June 2005

Quote of the Day

Orson Swindle of Every Day Should Be Saturday, on being a pundit:

[P]unditry’s like going to a small liberal arts college-soon enough, everyone goes to bed with everyone.

Sadly, this statement is untrue if you read “going to” as “teaching at.” Then again, judging from some accounts, I may be an outlier in this regard.


Any views expressed in these comments are solely those of their authors; they do not reflect the views of the authors of Signifying Nothing, unless attributed to one of us.
[Permalink] 1. Orson Swindle wrote @ Thu, 16 Jun 2005, 8:54 pm CDT:

In all honesty, we’re going from secondhand testimony there. We attended a large public institution, where sleeping with everyone else at the school would have had dire health consequences, but would have made you very popular nonetheless. .


Oh, I’ve heard it’s true of the undergraduate population… and it happens among the faculty as well. Maybe they don’t let one-years attend the key parties…

Incidentally, looking back I probably should have gone to UF with you guys (I lived just down the road in Slocala)... a free ride through college would have been a good thing, particularly now that I see my student loan debt!

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