Monday, 13 June 2005

Diet Coke with Splenda

Apparently, someone at Coca-Cola had the brainwave of making a beverage that tastes exactly like a combination of three ingredients:

  • Carbonated water
  • Caramel food coloring
  • Splenda

This beverage has absolutely no discernable flavor other than that of sugar water. Now, if you like sugar water, Diet Coke with Splenda is the beverage for you. Me, I’m just hoping Coca-Cola Zero actually manages to taste non-awful, although I have to say that the relaunched Pepsi One isn’t a complete travesty, though, regrettably, on the wrong side of the Coke-Pepsi divide for my palate.


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The drink defies logic. Coke is supposed to make its product so that when you finish one, you want (or don’t mind drinking) another. Splenda-ized Coke is too [insult multiple epithets here] sweet that you want to counteract the excessive sweetness with nachos or some other non-sweet food, and not drink any more Diet Cokes ever. The same goes for Diet Rite and other Splenda-sweetened drinks. It’s not as bad as Aspartame, but c’mon guys, don’t make the diet stuff tons sweeter than the regular Coke. Have y’all learned nothing from the New Coke debacle?


I tried Coke Zero on my way from Atlanta to Jackson this past weekend as it’s popped up here in Atlanta (wasn’t in MS yet though) and it’s sort of like weak C2 which is to say it’s weak Coke. However, once you get past the first couple of sips it’s not bad and I think I’d prefer it to regular Diet Coke.

Then again, I don’t find the Splenda-ized Diet Coke to be awful.


I just picked up a 2-liter of C0 at Brookshire’s; I’ll see what it’s like when I decide to make myself lunch.


I’m getting where I can’t even drink can/bottled regular Coke any more. I look for fountain setups that are miscalibrated, where I get a bit too much syrup mixed with the soda water. All those flavored Coke variants don’t even taste like natural food products any more. It’s like some chemist created something, tasted it, decided it tastes a bit like passionflower mixed with raspberry and so it gets added to make new “Raspberry Passion Coke!” It’s like they don’t use real flavors at all. Ick.

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