Sunday, 1 May 2005

My Martin Luther moment

Why Geeks and Nerds Are Worth It…. I need to slap this bad boy up on my office door… except it would look really pathetic, even by my standards. (þ: Joy)


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[Permalink] 1. Scott wrote @ Mon, 2 May 2005, 9:00 am CDT:

That’s why I love you, Chris. You have a mental “find and replace” function.

…find: “futile”

…replace with: “hope”

Just kidding…hey, I started playing DnD a quarter century ago when the whole set came in a BOX!....and I wound up with a beautiful wife.

On that note, I need to re-up that Charm spell…


The scary part is I haven’t played any D&D-type stuff in over a decade and I don’t dress up in any sort of costume (well, there is that leopard-skin thong, but I won’t go there…).

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