Monday, 18 April 2005

Yay economic substantive due process

Tim Sandefur* has a post on Lochner for dummies. I’m personally still wrestling with how to teach ESDP in my constitutional law classes†—in general, the economic liberties stuff in Epstein and Walker is the weakest material and the hardest for the students to understand—so every little bit I can get from alternative perspectives helps. Of course, the quasi-artificial division of ESDP in “Con Law I” and other forms of SDP—what normal humans call the right to privacy (with or without scare quotes), the right to travel, and the whole mess that is discrimination law—in “Con Law II” doesn’t help student understanding much either.

* Who I don’t read nearly often enough because he doesn’t ping any update services when he posts—hint, hint!
† Which I can mercifully put on hiatus while at Duke, though the over-under is that I’ll probably return to the role of jack-of-all-trades Americanist where ever I end up tenure-track (which actually I don’t mind that much).


Any views expressed in these comments are solely those of their authors; they do not reflect the views of the authors of Signifying Nothing, unless attributed to one of us.

The way I see it, people should be reading my blog anyway, so they should already know.

That and, I don’t know how to. And don’t much care to learn.


True enough… it’s just that when a blog shows up at the top of my little blogroll thingy, I usually go read it; otherwise, I tend to forget about it for a while. Ah well, it all gets read eventually.

Anyway, if you’re interested, I think it has something to do with “publicity setup” in TypePad; at least, that’s what it says here:

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