Wednesday, 23 February 2005


Starting in July we’re gonna get 20 more episodes of Battlestar Galactica according to Sci-Fi Wire. While the renewal was already public knowledge, the announcement that we’re getting 20 shows (up from 13 this season) with all of the main cast members returning (which, in some circles, might count as a spoiler) is the real news. (þ: David Janes)

This is my entry in today’s OTB Traffic Jam.


Any views expressed in these comments are solely those of their authors; they do not reflect the views of the authors of Signifying Nothing, unless attributed to one of us.

Well, it certainly detracts from the longing, ever-reaching feeling one got from the original series, which was cancelled early, leaving its fans to experience the unfulfilled longing along with the characters.


Ah, but at least in Galactica 1980 you got the payoff of them reaching Earth. Not to mention the Bonus Cool Factors of Dick Van Dyke’s kid pretending he was Ponch and Lorne Greene being told what to do by a snot-nosed teenager. And don’t forget Nazis!

Without those elements, I fear that the new Galactica’s second season may be a disappointment.


Galactica 1980 does not exist.

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