When you're buying a list of addresses to send junk mail to, you really should make sure that the address field holds more than twenty characters. Otherwise you end up looking very silly.
Dear Carl,
I would like to congratulate University of Roches on its upcoming 15th Anniversary. Few companies reach this important milestone. Promoting your experience and success is the number one way to generate new business and reinforce existing relationships. That's why it's important to promote your anniversary with our Foil Embossed Anniversary Seals.

The funny thing is, I can’t figure out if it’s trying to sell you stuff from Rochester or Rhodes, both of which I’m sure will be shocked to know that they’ve only been around for 15 years.
I’m pretty sure it’s “University of Rochester,” truncated to 20 characters.
What I don’t understand is how my graduate alma mater, which I left seven years ago, became associated with my current address in Memphis. I supposed they could be selling their alumni list.
And I have no idea where “15 years” came from.
I started getting interesting junk mail while I was a student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Basically, someone became convinced that I was owner of a business callled Indiana Univ. of PA. I’m not sure how that happened, but I’d get all these offers “for my business”.
I own my college before even graduatiing? Awesome!