Friday, 8 October 2004

The Dark Side

Nick Troester—a wannabe theorist, mind you—stakes out a rather absolutist position on the place of political theory in the discipline of political science.

Next thing you know he’ll be ranting about public law and American political development. Which just goes to show you that maybe that Michigan education didn’t go to waste after all! ☺

1 comment:

Any views expressed in these comments are solely those of their authors; they do not reflect the views of the authors of Signifying Nothing, unless attributed to one of us.

This whole thing came up in a seminar in which I put forward the notion that we come to a text with as few expectations as possible, read it, and then decide how much further reading of text or looking to context is appropriate to get yourself the level of explanation you desire (I also argued, in fairness, that there’s something analytical or logical in most texts that we can disucss the merits of in the total absence of context). I’ve encountered resistance to textualism before, but it’s never taken the form of other people telling me what’s going on in my head when I read, which I really, really object to.

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