Thursday, 8 July 2004

More Edwards

Innocents Abroad has an interesting guest post from Steven Teles about what tangible benefits John Edwards can bring to the Kerry campaign. Chief among them: quite possibly the Florida panhandle.

Also, the Clarion-Ledger wastes ink interviewing a bunch of people* who agree that Mississippi isn’t in play, so Edwards being on the ticket isn’t going to change the disposition of the state’s six electoral votes. But at least it gets this quote:

Hinds County Democratic Party Chairman Claude McInnis said he hopes Edwards will attract Mississippi voters to the Democratic ticket.

“This is a strange voting state. Almost every need in the state is Democratic — Medicare, public education, social services — yet voters vote Republican,” he said.

“I hope Edwards can reach people here. We’re ready for something different.”

One suspects that if the average Mississippi voter didn’t think the national Democratic party stood on a platform of abortion-on-demand, gun-grabbing, and letting the Supreme Court decide every other issue that ought to be decided through the political process, they might be willing to pull the lever (or dimple the chad or beat the hell out of the touchscreen, as the case may be) for Kerry-Edwards.

* Standard conflict-of-interest disclaimer: one of the quotees served on my dissertation committee.


Any views expressed in these comments are solely those of their authors; they do not reflect the views of the authors of Signifying Nothing, unless attributed to one of us.
... if the average Mississippi voter didn’t think the national Democratic party stood on a platform of abortion-on-demand, gun-grabbing, and letting the Supreme Court decide every other issue that ought to be decided through the political process ...

In other words, the average Mississipi voter votes based on “God, guns, and gays”?


I’d say the average Mississippi rural white working class voter does, which is the demographic you need to get from the ~40% base of blacks (35%) and white liberals (5%) to a plurality.


Given that rent seeking is already the state sport—I shudder to think what would happen if we had an actual sports team—it’s just as well that we have Republican voters. Perhaps it modulates it just a bit…


Rent-seeking? No, it’s beyond that; this state is, as the script kiddies would say, 0wned. ☺

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