Thursday, 6 March 2008

Rememberance of things past

I forgot to mention that I appeared on OTB Radio yesterday, so if you have an hour to kill you can hear me, James Joyner, Dave Schuler, and Steve Verdon pontificate on Hillary, Obama, McCain, the economy, Venezuela/Colombia/Ecuador, and a billion other topics.

I try, try, try to escape from the market, but they reel me back in

In addition to accepting a job this week, I also found out that the job I internally ranked* somewhere around #2 or #3 on my initial list way back around APSA (before, I hasten to add, the TAMIU job was even a glimmer in someone’s eye) wasn’t filled and will be re-advertised next year.

* Incidentally, one of these days when I’m really bored I may try to quantify my “gut-feeling-based” scoring method for ranking jobs. I think I have a pretty good idea of the factors that are involved; finding the right the signs and weights will be the big challenges, but I have 3–4 years’ spreadsheets’ worth of data (probably around 200–300 jobs) to play with now.