Monday, 1 January 2007

Conference season begins soon

The panel I am allegedly the discussant on is exactly four days away, and I have received all of one paper thus far. I suppose that makes the job a tad easier than usual…

In other news, I booked my flight for the APSA Teaching and Learning Conference and my shared hotel room for Midwest at the Palmer House, so I guess I’m going to have a busy spring between three conferences and the two branches of the job hunt—both academic and non-academic.

Relatedly, my public new years’ resolutions:

  1. Lose weight (ok, this is a perpetual and perpetually-broken one).
  2. Get two more articles accepted by September, even if they end up in the crappiest peer-reviewed journals on the planet.
  3. Get a tenure-track job, a job guaranteeing at least two years, or (failing those) find something better to do with my life.