Saturday, 6 May 2006


Well, I made it safe and sound to Jackson with no real hiccups. The only real problems I had were a real downpour between Meridian and Jackson and the aftermath of a nasty-looking wreck just east of Birmingham on I-20; traffic was shut down westbound for a helicopter airlift from the scene.

I guess I’ll go out and find something to eat; one nice thing about visiting somewhere you’ve lived before is that there isn’t a lot of scouting work needed to find food!


I wrapped up my semester this afternoon with a marathon grading session of methods finals—most turned out to be quite good, although quite a few students got tripped up by the last question on the exam, which called on them to fix a hypothetical (and horrifically bad) regression model of the sort typically generated by a naïve student who just decides to randomly pick variables out of the raw 2000 NES data set and dump them into a linear regression model.