Tuesday, 21 March 2006

Online dating for geeks

Laura of 11D recommends Consumating to those seeking “a tattooed man from Austin or a 15 year old, bass-playing chick.” I can’t say I’m in the market for either, but I suppose it beats giving fifty bucks to that eHarmony guy.

Show Me State hello

I am very pleased to announce that I will be joining the faculty of Saint Louis University (in St. Louis, Missouri) for the 2006–07 academic year as a temporary assistant professor of political science. I don’t have a lot of specific details to share yet, beyond mentioning I will be teaching three undergraduate courses a semester in the fields of American politics and research methods.

From what I’ve heard from friends and colleagues, St. Louis is a very nice place to live and I am really looking forward to spending at least a year there. I expect to be going to St. Louis in the coming weeks for an orientation visit and to make a research presentation, so I expect I’ll have more to say then.