Wednesday, 18 January 2006

Other bloggers returning from haitus

Fresh on the heels of the Mungowitz comes the return of Battlestar Galactica head honco Ron Moore to blogging. As they say, Woot!

Know your ideological leanings

The Mungowitz provides a potentially reliable and valid one-question quiz that classifies professors on the basis of ideology.

Bring on your huddled, McCarthyite masses

I actively encourage a Duke clone of these dweebs to waste a hundred bucks getting evidence of my (alleged) promulgation of radical left-wing views in class. Frankly, I’m sure some of my students would be happy to have the beer/pr0n money.

þ: Michelle Dion.

What I learned today

This may become an ongoing series…

  • Doing the same lecture two days in a row is a bit (ok, highly) disconcerting the first time you’ve ever done it.
  • Seminars are much less painful when you don’t do all of the talking.
  • It will be hard for Duke University Transit to find a blue canvas bag you think you left on one of their busses when it has been sitting in your living room the whole day.