Thursday, 8 April 2004

Marquee de Sade

Heidi Bond lets loose the BLINK tag but somehow fails to incorporate Microsoft’s one-upping of Netscape’s non-standard HTML ante: the sublimely evil MARQUEE tag.

Apropos of the substance of Heidi’s post, given the vista of my career options at the moment, a job as an “evil minion” seems like a reasonable option.

Slow mail propogation

Anyone who tells you that email propogation is instantaneous should consider this Received trace:

Received: from
        by (8.12.10+Sun/8.12.9) with ESMTP id i38G1LAf017356
        for <>; Thu, 8 Apr 2004 11:01:21 -0500 (CDT)
Received: from a.b.c.d
        by (8.12.9-20030924/8.12.9) with ESMTP id i36JvaK3027962
        for <>; Tue, 6 Apr 2004 14:57:37 -0500 (CDT)

In other words, the email took 44 hours, 4 minutes to get here (well, 44:08 if you count the 5 minute fetchmail cycle on my inbox). I probably could have gotten a paper letter sent first class from (within a day’s drive in a neighboring state) in less time.

Sins of commission

Jeff Jarvis gives a pretty good flavor of the complete joke that the 9/11 Commission is. For all the people who say George W. Bush is a moron (and Lord knows I agree with that assessment in a lot of ways), he was certainly correct to resist both this idiotic commission and its pointless cousin foisted on us by Congress, the Department of Homeland Security.

Tim Sandefur gets straight to the heart of things: the commission is simply “a symposium of blowhards.”