Thursday, 6 August 2009


While I can’t say I agree much more with her politics “judicial philosophies” than those of the man who nominated her, nonetheless congratulations are in order for Sonia Sotomayor becoming the first Hispanic and third woman to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. All I can hope is that in what are likely to be many years on the court that she will come to understand that her job is not to promote a particular party’s political agenda, but instead to act as a bulwark against executive and bureaucratic excess and majoritarian zeal in Congress and the states in the fine, but somewhat spotty, tradition of her best predecessors on that bench.


Any views expressed in these comments are solely those of their authors; they do not reflect the views of the authors of Signifying Nothing, unless attributed to one of us.

Having read you for years, if I didn’t know any better: were you damning with faint praise?


To damn with faint praise, first I’d have to praise. I’m not sure I really did.

Here is some actual faint praise: I’m sure she’ll be a more useful justice than Souter.

[Permalink] 3. Steven Taylor wrote @ Sun, 9 Aug 2009, 3:09 pm CDT:
I’m sure she’ll be a more useful justice than Souter.

May it be so.

I also like: to act as a bulwark against executive and bureaucratic excess and majoritarian zeal in Congress and the states

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