Tuesday, 5 June 2007

USPS Express Mail: not so much

It took the postal service four days to carry out the “guaranteed overnight delivery” of an Express Mail letter from St. Louis to New Orleans. Regular first class mail probably would have arrived more quickly.

I don’t know whether to be ticked off at the sheer incompetence or happy that I’ll be getting my $16.25 in postage back.


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[Permalink] 1. Alfie Sumrall wrote @ Wed, 6 Jun 2007, 6:23 am CDT:

…And they wonder why people use them less and less. I’d say St. Louis to NOLA is probably 2 days first class, 3 at the most. I know Memphis-Gulfport is two and I doubt the extra 4 hours would tack on an extra day. I FedEx’d something to my mom express super saver last week and it got there the next day…I figured it would end up being on the same truck as the expensive stuff.

[Permalink] 2. Michelle wrote @ Wed, 6 Jun 2007, 12:50 pm CDT:

I also sent a job app overnight USPS once. Apparently, they tried to deliver the package at 9:22 am on a Thursday to a large University office (not a single department—a Dean-sized office) that is open 8–5 and were “unable” to deliver. It arrived 3 days later.

A co-PI once sent me a signed page to include in a grant. They couldn’t figure out where to deliver it, left a message on my voicemail, and returned the package undelivered after 2 days. Not very persistent, I’d say. Or Smart…considering the local PO is directly across the street from my building.

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