Monday, 31 May 2004

Bad(narik) Idea

Like Brock, I can’t be excited about the Libertarians’ nomination of Michael Badnarik. And his enthusiasm for non-alcoholic beer makes me wonder about some other possible faults he may have—like, perhaps, support for the designated-hitter rule or liking the taste of broccoli.

Elsewhere: MNSlog misidentified Brock as a Republican (thanks for correcting it ☺), Q and O considers this evidence that the LP is a collection of “losertarians,” and Brian J. Noggle reminds us that he and his wife met Badnarik earlier this year in a basement. Oh, and some dude named Glenn Reynolds has some links. Heh.

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But the ticket might be worth a vote if the Libertarians nominated Tam Millay for VP. She’s got nothing against alcoholic beer; at my thirtieth birthday party some years back, she kept up with me and my beer-aficionado friend El Guapo.

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