Friday, 18 April 2003

Free fonts!

Bitstream has generously donated a nice set of professionally-designed typefaces to the GNOME project and the larger free software community. The monospace font is particularly nice—I just changed my default PuTTY font to it.

DARPA and de Raadt

Eugene Volokh looks at the possibility that a DARPA contract with OpenBSD was cancelled due to anti-war activism by OpenBSD project leader Theo de Raadt. Another possible explanation is that much of the work was farmed out to non-US citizens, including de Raadt, apparently in violation of the grant’s terms. A third possibility is that another aspect of de Raadt’s notoriously abrasive personality was involved. (More on this story is at Slashdot, of course.)

Yale anti-war student redux

Bitter Bitch is very skeptical about Yale student Katherine Lo’s efforts to extrapolate a widespread stifling of dissent from a single incident; Ms. Lo’s account sounds more like the writings of Michael Moore than those of Mahatma Ghandi.

Lily Malcolm of The Kitchen Cabinet (and Yale Law) has more:

Obviously, if students are really breaking into other students' rooms weilding two-by-fours, they should be dealt with severely. On the other hand, it seems to me that anti-war folks would need to be awfully skittish to sense a general environment of intimidation at Yale.​​​​​ Anti-war people are not what you'd call a tiny minority here.

Another CNN obit

Moxie has found another obituary that the Smoking Gun’s investigation missed. You can almost imagine it including this quote from CNN’s chief news executive, Eason Jordan: “He tried to assassinate our own Brent Sadler, but otherwise he really wasn’t that bad a guy.”