Monday, 14 April 2008

Streaming video onto a TiVo

Over the weekend I discovered pyTivo, a replacement for TiVo Desktop that can use ffmpeg to transcode pretty much every video format on the planet on the fly for viewing on any TiVo. There’s something fun about the prospect of “obtaining” and watching a certain science fiction television show about a guy with a funny accent who flies around the universe in a blue box with strange women without any fiddling around with conversion software… once pyTivo is set up, all you would theoretically have to do is drop the file in the right directory and it would show up as a program you could transfer onto your TiVo. Très cool. Alas, all I’ve been using it for is properly-licensed video that doesn’t feature a flying blue box.

Of course, if I got SciFi HD I might not be tempted go to such lengths to watch the blue box show a few weeks before they show it. But the picture quality on regular SciFi blows, as does the editing for time. Thankfully the better angels of my nature have stopped me from succumbing to any temptation to see the adventures of the man in the flying blue box before being supplied to us Americans in edited form.


Any views expressed in these comments are solely those of their authors; they do not reflect the views of the authors of Signifying Nothing, unless attributed to one of us.
[Permalink] 1. Michelle wrote @ Tue, 15 Apr 2008, 10:24 am CDT:

Decode please. Man in blue box? Strange women? Brian might like this. :)


Surely I wasn’t that obscure?

[Permalink] 3. Michelle wrote @ Wed, 16 Apr 2008, 9:40 am CDT:

Never heard of it.


Sacrilege, I tell ya. Steven Taylor and I may have to converge on your house with some DVDs and strap you guys in to watch it, Robot Chicken style.

And please don’t tell me you’ve never heard of Robot Chicken. If you haven’t I might die a little inside.

[Permalink] 5. Michelle wrote @ Sun, 20 Apr 2008, 12:19 am CDT:

Brian read your comment and later told me, “You see Chris’s comment about Robot Chicken?” I said no, and he replied, “I thought to myself that you probably don’t know what that is. You don’t, do you?”

Me: “No, but I could google it.”

Him: “Nevermind.”

Me: “What? I should go see the comment.”

Him: “No. Don’t bother. It’s better if you don’t comment.”

But here I am anyway. :)

I am so square in an uncool way.

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