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Chris was also formerly a contributor to Outside The Beltway.
Signifying Nothing formerly featured the stylings of Brock Sides, a left-leaning philosopher turned network administrator currently residing in Memphis, Tennessee who now blogs at Battlepanda, and Robert Prather, a libertarian-leaning conservative economist and occasional contributor at OTB.
Copyright © 2002–14 Chris Lawrence, Brock Sides, and Robert Prather.
The contents of this weblog are licensed under a
Creative Commons License.
So is this supposed to be ironic, or is this that new meta-irony*, where the joke’s on anyone who thinks you’re being straightforwardly ironic, because you’re really endorsing the position expressed by a literal understanding of your words?
*Not to be confused with Alanis Morissette irony, which isn’t irony at all.
Sometimes a photoshopped billboard is just a photoshopped billboard.