Sunday, 8 August 2004

Quiz time

Since it’s the cool thing to do, I decided to take Michelle Malkin’s diversity test. Apparently, you get 5 points for every statement you agree with.

  1. I have never voted for a Democrat in my life. No.
  2. I think my taxes are too high. Yes.
  3. I supported Bill Clinton’s impeachment. Yes.
  4. I voted for President Bush in 2000. No.
  5. I am a gun owner. No.
  6. I support school voucher programs. Yes.
  7. I oppose condom distribution in public schools. Yes. The bastards ought to have to pay for them, just like the rest of us do.
  8. I oppose bilingual education. No.
  9. I oppose gay marriage. No.
  10. I want Social Security privatized. Yes.
  11. I believe racial profiling at airports is common sense. No.
  12. I shop at Wal-Mart. Yes (but not when I’m in Michigan, because Meijer is better up here). Do I get bonus points for also shopping at Sam’s Club?
  13. I enjoy talk radio. No. I’d rather have my teeth pulled sans anesthesia.
  14. I am annoyed when news editors substitute the phrase “undocumented person” for “illegal alien.” Yes.
  15. I do not believe the phrase “a chink in the armor” is offensive. Yes. Etymology, it’s a wonderful thing.
  16. I eat meat. Yes.
  17. I believe O.J. Simpson was guilty. Yes.
  18. I cheered when I learned that Saddam Hussein had been captured. Yes.
  19. I cry when I hear “Proud to be an American” by Lee Greenwood. Yes. (There goes any chance of me ever being seen as “macho.”)
  20. I don’t believe the New York Times. No, I believe more than 50% of what’s in the New York Times. Not all of it, mind you…

Well, I scored 60/100. What do I win?

1 comment:

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I hate that smarmy Lee Greenwood song! Someone had it on a continuous loop at the office Independence Day party a few years ago. The next year, I threatened the culprit with bodily harm if she did that again. Apparently others had complained as well. We got to listen to Sousa marches instead.

Now that’s patriotic music.

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