Tuesday, 9 November 2004

Ashcroft-free justice

I can’t say I’m particularly disappointed to see John Ashcroft getting shown the door at DoJ, although his caricature as the bogeyman of America’s civil liberties has been just a tad exaggerated over the years.


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I have thought for a couple of years that Ashcroft is just an OK attorney general, at best, and that he is most notorious for the amount of fury he’s been able to whip up in political opponents. Bush was right to keep him until after the election—Bush is right to not want to let his political opponents know he can be rolled—but I’m glad to see Ashcroft go nonetheless.


The man is not the worst AG (an award that has to go to Janet Reno), but I’m not sorry to see his backside.

[Permalink] 3. flaime wrote @ Mon, 15 Nov 2004, 12:22 pm CST:

Meese was the worst AG, I think. Ashcroft was second in that category.

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