Saturday, 4 September 2004

Matthew Yglesias ditches comments

Matthew Yglesias turns off comments on his blog:

I'm sorry it's come to this, especially for folks who've been commenting on this site in a while, but I think the time has come to shut comments down, at least as a default option. We've become totally overwhelmed by trolls who come to write in the spirit of deliberate insult and misreading rather than fairminded debate, and the folks more "on my side" are just left responding in kind.
Will Baude has yet to say "I told you so."


Any views expressed in these comments are solely those of their authors; they do not reflect the views of the authors of Signifying Nothing, unless attributed to one of us.

punk kid. nothing more.


So recently Yglesias has call a Senator a fascist, and uses the f-word on a blogger, and he’s complaining about other people being rude?


Yglesias can dish it out, but he can’t take it. His only positive contribution to the blogosphere over the past week was to write a post about Arnold Schwarzenegger that was so contrived that it prompted me to coin a new word, “strawtard.”


Thank you, Xrlq, for strawtard. Thank you… and thank the Lord.


Heady stuff. I’m into politics. Check out my story about Central Asia that I wrote Saturday (9–4).

Tom P.

Comments are now closed on this post.